1. Seal envelope. Using Tag Punch, from side of envelope, punch as far down the side of the envelope as the punch will go. Then back up and punch the remaining piece. Do the same on the other side. (See photos) Trim off the little triangle pieces at the edge with Paper Snips. You will see a basket shape.

2. Emboss Crumb Cake card stock with Lattice Folder. You will need two pieces to fit the basket area and the handle, depending on the size of your envelope. You will be able to cover the seam with the bunny or ribbon. Cut one piece to fit the basket bottom. To get the shape of the handle, just adhere the paper to the handle and then trim from the other side.
3. The bunny is made with punches: Ears-Large and Small Oval Punches, Head- 1 ¼” Circle, Body- 1 ¾” Circle, Feet-small oval (for the pink part of feet, punch small oval but trim down with scissors to fit), Hands-1/2” Circle, Eyes and Nose- Owl Punch. Assemble as shown in photo.
4. Use black marker to draw in whiskers, mouth, marks on hands and feet.
5. Stamp Easter Egg in Baja Breeze, cut out with Paper Snips, and pop up with Dimensional. Also pop up bunny hands with Dimensionals. Adhere bunny to treat bag.
6. Tie ribbon around handle. Decorate back if desired or leave plain.